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FWR333 | 2024-05-17  
'Out My Mind EP' is a two-track compilation of the classic four on the floor grooves for which house music is known. Both tracks draw inspiration from some of house music's heavy hitters including Gene Farris, John Summit, and Marco Lys. Featuring a contagious groove, dancy vocals, and a simple yet catchy piano progression, 'Out My Mind' is the perfect track for the club and after hours. Considered a 'secret weapon' in Silvertone's sets, 'Life's a B!tch' is his take on the legendary Chicago house sound.

'The foundations and basic ideas for these two songs were actually created effortlessly at a local coffee shop, on my laptop. I have been exploring various house and techno styles and decided I wanted to try my hand at the Chicago house sound. Some of my favorite tracks let the beat do the talking; the best tracks are the ones in which the vocals are not overused and the groove expresses the artist's ideas. That was my intention for these tracks - let the beat move you and don't get distracted by an overused vocal. I decided to, on a whim, do some digging into releases from 2018-2019 to get an idea of arrangement and sound design/selection. I really liked the music I found that was coming out of Chicago and decided to give it a shot. I found two vocals - and the result is this EP!' - Silvertone
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