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128AYHV | 2024-05-10  
"The Grape Unleashes 'El Ritmo' - A Danceable Delight with Groovy Percussion and Catchy Trumpet"

Prepare to move and groove with The Grape's latest release, "El Ritmo." This infectious track is packed with irresistible rhythms, courtesy of groovy percussion that will have you tapping your feet in no time. But it doesn't stop there – the catchy trumpet melodies add an extra layer of excitement, making "El Ritmo" a must-listen for any dance music enthusiast.

With its vibrant energy and undeniable charm, "El Ritmo" captures the essence of a lively fiesta, transporting listeners to a world filled with rhythm and melody. The Grape's seamless blend of musical elements ensures that this track will be a hit on dance floors everywhere, inviting listeners to let loose and embrace the joy of movement.

Producer: The Grape
Final Mastering: YHV Recordings
Publisher: YHV Music Group
Record Label: YHV

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