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SELECTED. 278 | 2024-02-23  
MKLA is one of the hottest artists on our radar right now. Bursting onto the scene with her debut single 'Save Me' alongside Vintage Culture and Adam K back in 2018, the Toronto-born singer-songwriter has since gone on to rack up over 250 million streams on Spotify alone, following a number of hugely successful solo releases and collaborations with the likes of John Summit, Zeds Dead and Sonny Fodera to name just a few.
Now, for her inaugural release of 2024, the in-demand Canadian artist lands on Selected. for the first time with her stunning new solo single ’Running. An expertly judged deep house cut with MKLA’s sultry vocals placed front and centre above a rolling, laid back instrumental, this one’s been on repeat since we first heard it, and we don’t see that changing any time soon. Check it out!
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