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Hard To Stay Away

Ezel, Rona Ray

Bayacou Records
BYC12 | 2021-02-26  
We're proud to welcome 2021 with this amazing offering from Ezel featuring Rona Ray.

A collaboration that sees two high level performers bring together their talent to create something deeply tasteful and timeless. On the production side, Ezel, manages to create yet another soulful talisman with a steady groove supported by a funky bass line, warm chords and keys and galactic synth work. Its counterpart, the fabulous songstress Rona Ray; one of the most gifted talents in the scene, raises the bar even higher laying down an exquisite songwriting and a heartfelt performance that its sure to captivate. Everything comes together to become a magical piece of sonic soulfulness

'Hard To Stay Away'
Written by Ezel & Rona Ray
Vocals performed and recorded by Rona Ray
Produced by Ezel Feliz @ Bayacou Studios
(c) Bayacou Records

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